#Nuva by achroma iso#
Certified quality, environmental and safety management, with the global IQNet and SQS certification to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series).
#Nuva by achroma serial#
Commitment to sustainability, as demonstrated by a strong support and focus on compliance to eco-standards, the 2012 ICIS Innovation Award for Advanced Denim, the EU Ecolabel for Advanced Denim Illustration Collection (ES-CA/016/007), and continuing commitment to ESHA as a fair and responsible company and employer. Owned by: ARCHROMA IP GMBH Serial Number: 71316299. Google Chrome es, con diferencia, el navegador web más popular y utilizado del mundo, en parte porque Google actualiza constantemente su aplicación con nuevas funciones para mantenerla actualizada.Alcanza un total de ventas de Mayor de 30 millones. La emprea Archroma Iberica Sl se registra como Sociedad limitada. La actividad CNAE de esta compañía es 2012 - Fabricación de colorantes y pigmentos. (C6) NUVA 2114 (ARCHROMA), has been used for hydrophobic/oleophobic treatment. the 2012 ICIS Innovation Award for Advanced Denim, or the 2007 EPA “P2 Recognition Project” Award for Cartaspers® PSM, a product used in paper manufacturing. La empresa Archroma Iberica Sl sita en Calle de cal Coracero (polg ind zal Prat), 46 - 56, EL PRAT DE LLOBREGAT, BARCELONA. The product based on fluorocarbon polymer dispersions. Recognized brands, such as Diresul®, Drimaren®, Foron®, Nylosan®, Nuva®, Cartabond®, Cartafix®, Cartaguard®, Cartaren®, Cartasol®, Cartaspers®, Leucophor®, Mowilith®, Mowicoll®.Europlasma-developed NANOFICS is a water- and oil-repellent coating.
#Nuva by achroma series#