A unique impression for both sides as they were armed and equipped exceedingly poorly. Skirmishing and maneuvering of the Missouri State Guard and Unionist Militia after the Battle of Wilson’s Creek and before the First Battle of Springfield. Artillery at actual works dug by the troops stationed there.

Click Here For InformationĪmerican Camp, San Juan Island, Washington. After the Crater, only a single officer and 46 enlisted remained. Four months later at the Crater, the regiment numbered seven officers and 91 enlisted. We will portray the 57th Massachusetts Veteran Infantry, which was mustered in Worcester, MA on April 6, 1864. The Liberty Rifles are hosting an immersive Soldier Life Experience portraying the 13th Virginia Infantry of Pegram's Brigade, Early's Division, Ewell's Second Corps, during the opening days of the Overland Campaign. This will be a very active event, giving everyone a rare taste of siege warfare in 1865. Click Here For Information.Ī unique opportunity for participants to live in and improve original fortifications, while also viewing much which has been covered with vegetation for years. This is a unique opportunity to occupy barracks built on originals specs as well as substantial outbuildings on a great historic site. The Independent Rifles will recreate a Winter Quarters scenario for 1862. Which Events do you plan to attend in 2019? Members of the AC may respond to this thread and take the poll: As we enter the home stretch for 2018, let's take a look ahead at the 2019 EBUFU Event Schedule as listed on the AC Calendar and the Front Page.